"May 4th." + "May the Force be with you."
Wacky, right?
I did some job hunting today. It mostly consisted of: Okay job. Okay job. Kinda crappy job. Great job that I don’t have a chance of getting. Okay job. Okay job. Then I pontificate on the positive aspects of being heavily inebriated.
Norwalk was pretty busy thanks to it being City Council day. These are the nights that I get to work with Karmin, Mike, Bill, and Musse. Which is cool when it’s a full studio of busy bodies with talent. They help to get the day moving along at a bearable pace.
After work, I headed to Amy’s place to watch Buffy Season 3. We watched Beauty and the Beasts, Homecoming, and Band Candy. Season 2 was the season with possibly the best arch, but Season 3 had the best consistency of excellent episodes. Just about every episode was sharp, action-packed, and funny, with probably the clearest vision of what was going to be achieved at the end of the season.
I got home and felt a need to watch a movie. And out of the depths of my backlog of DVDs that I owned, but have yet to watch, I chose Criminal, starring John C. Reilly, Maggie Gyllenhal, and Diego Luna.

Criminal wasn’t too bad. It’s a con artist flick, with some pretty good twists. John C. Reilly was pretty good as the senior Con Artist. He played it like a scorpion. And you know that you can‘t be surprised when a scorpion does exactly what they normally do. They sting, even if they don’t really want to. Its in their nature, as it was in his nature to lie and manipulate.
Maggie Gyllenhal did a great job playing his sister. You could see the strain of the good sister of a really morally bankrupt man. She played her part as a woman who was really past anger. She was tired. So tired of all the ways her own blood let her down.
Diego Luna was a little weak, especially when in comparison of these two veterans. He didn’t seem to have many more modes other than uncomfortable and uncomfortably smiling.
The main twist was decent, if executed in a muddled fashion. Check out this movie if you don’t have REALLY GOOD con artist movies.
Topics of Conversation @ Norwalk & Amy’s: Sarah Palin, rent, caffeinated tea, blank DVD’s, 7 Wonders of the World and the things that have nothing to do with them, non-surprises, hobos & Gogos, etc.
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