For the sake of brevity, and the very good chance that it will get old to pretend that anything of real note happened, I will mostly mention that I went to school this morning. We were talking about genetics and Natural Selection, and it was enchanting.
After school, I had time before work, so I headed to Comics Unlimited. Mark was working, and seemed to be running the store solo. Victor and Justin met up with me later. We grabbed some food at a Thai restaurant, which was pretty damn good actually. I had a half chicken meal, and it was awesome, but the skewers that Justin got looked just as delicious, with less mess.
When it comes to food like rotisserie chicken and ribs, I am usually an unrepentant slob. But this comes with the side effect that my hands are enveloped in sauce. And the crappy napkins that seem to follow me everywhere are always ready at hand to fail me.
Doesn’t it cost the same, if not more, for restaurants to supply these napkins? I have to use five of them to feel like I have the kind of cleaning firepower that is equal to one good dinner napkin. These suckers practically shrivel up at the SIGHT of liquid. And they shred to pieces as though I’m grinding razor blades into them, when in fact all I’m doing is dabbing some errant Thousand Island dressing with them.
Freakin’ crappy napkins need to stop being so damn crappy.
After the Thai restaurant, I headed to work for a Planning Commission Meeting that just would not quit. It was only two items, but everyone and their mom, and their mom’s former college roommate, felt like flapping their gums over these two items. And it was stupid stuff. Like how a cell phone tower should look and something that I pretty much don’t even care enough to remember.
I was there late, and then headed home. I wanted to catch the recent two episodes of Doctor Who that I missed… but OnDemand didn’t have Episode #08, and I needed it to watch Episode #09, because they were a two-parter. But they did have Episode #09. Argh. I went to sleep instead of being bothered by it.
Topics of Conversation: Remastered, I’m Top Dog, cute hipster girls, true evil via text, more respect, dreaming about being awake, Canadian trivia, Old Worlde, a mutual annoyance, walking stick bugs, 3 years of waiting for the Red Hulk, etc.
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