Sunday, January 24, 2010


January 23, 2010:

A day devoted to helping install shelves in my home and eventually working on the script I plan to shoot in the next two months. The shelf was heavy, but the script was light-hearted. HEY-YO!

Anyhoo, I made a life decision that can affect my outlook on life. Its one of those moves that you know you might regret, but at the same time, if you don't do it, you won't have a leg to stand on later in life. I've talked about it, in a disparaging way, without ever having experienced it. It was about time I earned the right to do so.

That's right, peeps, I watched Twilight!

Its interesting, because while watching it, I didn't seem to feel any particular dislike (or like, for that matter) towards the movie. After all the hype, it was... underwhelming. It wasn't a great movie, but the lofty standards of "TwiHards". It wasn't awful by the admitedly dirt low standards of the internet. It was just...


I watched the movie, and didn't have to take a shower afterwards. I did snicker and roll my eyes at the "sparkle" scene. But the entire experience seemed to just come to a shambling feeling of apathy. I felt very little towards the movie.

Until later, that is...

I suppose that's the Twilight effect, you see. Because, aftewards, when I was rolling the story and scenes through my mind, I started to dislike the movie. When I started replaying the movie in my inner theater, I began the actively mock Twilight. And when I started to voice my problems, I started to actively hate Twilight. Flaws with the characters, motivation, and plot holes just jumped out at me. I even went into it accepting that it’s the point of view of a 16-year-old girl, but it doesn’t help that I don’t really like the particular girl in question. Bella… was confounding. Yes, girls can be confounding, but Bella was Special Ed confounding.

And one of my main problems with the entire movie was the simple fact that THERE WAS NO DOWN SIDE TO BEING A VAMPIRE. None. What’s the big deal? They kept acting tortured, but it was hard to feel bad for them. If anyone ever wants to debate Twilight (and I’d be very surprised if there are any), then let me know.

Thank god Army of Darkness was available on cable, too.

Later on, I met up with Justin to work on our script. It was mostly to break down the scenes, shots, props, and locations. Its very necessary, but can be very time-consuming and confusing. We met up with Josh and Victor at Portillo's for dinner, who just happened to be in the area.

Topics of Conversation @ Portillo's: Italian beef, beer, Captain Marvel being mistaken for a pedophile, kinda-celebrities, Batman's crush on Superman, giant pennys, ornate bat notes, etc.

We walked around Wal-Mart for a bit. I was shocked by one of the action figure cases had been cut into with a razor and one item was missing. It seemed like a lot of work and unnecessary thievery for such a small thing. They didn't even steal the whole figure, so it seemed odd to me.

After that, Victor and Josh headed back home, and Justin and I headed back to his house to do a read-through of the script. And I have to say that the read-through really helped out. There were parts that were really helped out by reading it out loud. I always read my scripts out loud to myself, but having someone else reading it helped to give a more "3-Dimensional" sound to it. And we made corrections and added more of an explosive ending to it. We were cracking ourselves up, and that's probably the best judge of the final outcome.

As of this blog, I think that the script is finally done.


1 comment:

Adriee said...

Hahaaa thank you for helping describe my Twilight experience. I also watched the movie and thought "meh" but it gets so much worse when you contemplate and discuss it...
Now go watch New Moon for an equally thrilling experience.