Monday, April 12, 2010

Child of The First World

I have found that because the search for music is almost as easy as typing “”, that it doubles the frustration for when that music can’t be found. I have been looking high and low and middle for a song called All The Lights by a band called The Sun. I only have half of an mp3 as proof of its existence. And it has been frustrating.

Of course, I do find that all my problems are the petty, small crap that only a child of the First World would even register as any kind of annoyance. I never worry where my next meal is coming from. I never worry if I can find shelter. I never worry that I’m going to get shot at for just walking the streets… Okay, no I do worry about that sometimes, but you know what I mean.

So since I don’t have those worries, I have the worries of a decidedly small scale of obstacles. Getting my tire fixed. Getting an extra shift of work. Talking to that cool girl. Finishing a book I started. Being late for a movie. Updating my blog.

And trying to find this f**king song that doesn’t seem to exist at f**king all!

Again, small potatoes, but it’s a really good potato.

I once heard that the worst thing that ever happened to society as a whole was the creation of the Lotto. At first, I thought that this was unfair. Who’s against hope? And I guess that’s what I thought that the Lotto was. Hope. At least, at first.

But as I mulled it over in my head, it made more and more sense. Lotto isn’t hope. It’s an excuse. An excuse to not try that hard in the things that are guaranteed to work. Hard work, for one. And a decent sense of reality, for another. Why work that hard, when you’re just waiting for the Lotto to sweep your problems away?

What the person was saying about the Lotto was that before it existed, there was no easy way out. And not in the way that your life was screwed no matter what. It was more in the way that the DISTRACTION of the Lotto wasn’t there, so a more grounded sense of reality was instilled into people early on. No other choice existed, so it was just life as they knew it.

Basically, you could achieve anything you wanted because the American Dream was, in its own sense, the lottery of their age. You could strike it rich through hard work, not just through a $2 quick pick you bought with a Snapple Sweet Tea at 7-Eleven.

That being said, I bought a $2 quick pick with my Snapple Sweet Tea at 7-Eleven. Here’s to hoping!


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