Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kewt Lil' Anamulls!!!

I had to go to Norwalk in the morning for a special shoot. It was for SEEACA, to start off a few months of the “Adopt-a-Pet” program. This was a program to help get word out for all the animals that were available to be adopted at the SEEACA Animal Shelter. A worthy cause, and a fun shoot to boot.

I went with Bill and Musse to SEEACA, and we set up the cameras, audio, and lights. In the meantime, we got to meet the first few animals that were up to be caught on tape. It was two kittens named Shelly and Magic. As we waited for our host to arrive, and we were already set up, I got to goof around with the kittens. I picked up Shelly and was surprised by how much she started purring. And she was adorable.

It was very hard to put that kitten down.

The host, Michelle, arrived and we got to shooting. Four other cats were introduced, one more of which was a kitten. They were very sweet and calm cats. We also introduced 6 dogs, 3 puppies and 3 mature dogs. All in all, the animals were very loving, and ready to be loved. Come on down and take home some animals, folks!


We headed back to the studio, and I digitized the tapes for Karmin to edit later. I stuck around and did some cable casting, plus some pointless planning for the upcoming Anaheim Comic Con. It was pointless, cuz I was trying to plan for something that I wasn’t even sure on how it would pan out. After that, I headed to Amy’s place to watch some more episodes of Buffy.

We watched Passion, Killed By Death, and I Only Have Eyes For You. With these episodes, we were truly nearing the end of Season Two. It seemed really intense to try and stop with Passion, because for those of you in the Know, that is not an episode you can stop with. But the annoying part is that Killed By Death and I Only Have Eyes For You are just filler eps. But filler with great character moments.

The plan would be to try and fit in all the last episodes into one kickass Buffython for some point in the future. I’m confident that we will knock out Season Two before May. And then we shall start in on my personal favorite Season: THREE. Hell yeah.

Topics of Conversation: 1/5 to ¼ lbs, pet alligators, the There Will Be Blood house, bank robbing dogs, Oh Gypsies!, the renegade cat, the possibility of getting Amy to draw me as a vampire, etc.


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