Sunday, April 4, 2010

Just My Wandering Mind

April 3, 2010:

I think my favorite type of conversation is the tangent. Where the talk goes anywhere and everywhere with a special emphasis on the absurd. This is not always achievable with everyone, and takes a certain understanding before being acted upon.

But when it goes right, it can be amazing.

In all honesty, my absolute favorite thing that this continuous blog has brought out has been making a written documentation of all the random conversations that I have had over just the past four months. This doesn't even come close to the hundreds, if not thousands, of conversations that I've had in my lifetime to date. So many hilarious moments and random tangents have gone on.

Its kind of like internet surfing. You start off googling "WWII era tanks" and two hours later end up watching a youtube video of the Ten Tenors singing "Bohemian Rhapsody." Anything goes, and the mind tends to wander. And for me, a fellow that fancies himself as a writer, I really love just imagining ridiculous scenes.

Sometimes my best ideas are the tangents that I go off on with friends, or just my wandering mind.


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